2025 Northwest Flower & Garden Festival
It’s February, and we’re on the cusp of spring after an extended period of
colder than normal temperatures and lingering snow in our garden. Each
year, t...
Автор блога Александр Михайлович
Мой список блогов
Springtime, and we are ready! - The house is officially back on the market and we are ready. Ready as in the house is complete, ready as in ready to sell, and ready to make our move to Eu...6 лет назад
Confit af ande- og gåselår - For tiden har jeg fornøjelsen af at arbejde sammen med Kærsgård ved Haslev om, at udvikle produkter lavet af kød fra deres vidunderlige fritgående gæs og...10 лет назад
Sunroom Exterior Walls - A real, actual post! Yes, I know it's been ages. I stopped working on the house a few years ago because I accepted a new position at work that requires me ...10 лет назад
BARCELONA- CASA BATLLO - MODERNIST BUILDING DESIGNED BY GAUDI - A residential, terraced building designed by Antonio Gaudi in centre of Barcelona is one of the brightest and vibrant point on Passeig de Gracia street. Th...10 лет назад
Lato trwaj... mój ogród i liczne miejsca odpoczynkowe )) - Jak zwykle mam problem z selekcja zdjęć))) na każdym jest coś, czego nie ma na innym... już nawet nie mam na myśli samych obiektów, a raczej nastrój... ka...10 лет назад
Presentation House Gallery in the news - Sneak peak at Patkau Architects' design. Read Vancouver Sun article here. Check out drawings submitted to North Van council here. Drawings and ren...11 лет назад
WONDERFUL KVIPT GUEST FARM IN TELEMARK - Janne blowing in the Lure Horn, which is twisted of birch bark (neverlur) and which was formerly a shepherd's instrument. A Lure Horn is one of the oldest ...12 лет назад
Мой список блогов
HEALTHWATCH: JOHNNY MATHIS - Johnny Mathis has announced he’s retiring from live stage performances due to “age and memory issues which have accelerated.” The news was shared in a sta...вчера
Just Listed: The House from the Movie “Stepmom” in New York - I have been in with this gorgeous old house since the Susan Sarandon-Julia Roberts tear-jerker “Stepmom” arrived in movie theaters back in 1998. Some of ...год назад
Excerpt & Giveaway: Petunia 1949 by Leah Brewer - Petunia 1949 by Leah Brewer Publication Date: May 1, 2023 Genre: Historical Fiction Spitfire, Petunia Hollings was born in 1935 in the deep South. She s...год назад
Puppies and Patriots - *Puppies and Patriots* Say hello to George! I know, I know, three dogs is excessive. But we'd been keeping an eye out for a playmate for our gentle gia...5 лет назад
At the top of the Twin Cities real estate market, the selling isn’t easy – Featured article - Below is snippet of my feature in the Star Tribune. If you think it’s tough to find a buyer for grandma’s silver and the family china, imagine trying to ...9 лет назад
I'm Back and The Dames Are Fabulous In Fur! - Hello, loyal readers! I apologize for my extended absence. I'm back now and ready to move forward with my snarky photo reviews, fun series on Classic Holly...9 лет назад
I've Moved!! - Hello everyone! You might have noticed that I haven't updated in a while. The reason why was because I have moved to a new website! I'm now writing for Th...10 лет назад
Deep in My Heart(1954). - Deep in My Heart(1954). Biographical musical about the life of operetta composer Sigmund Romberg, who wrote the music for The Student Prince, The Desert ...11 лет назад
Flynn's Beach Rocks from Liz - Our postcard project this year seems to be spluttering along a bit erratically, but to see a colourful rectangle in the postbox is always a thrill. This ...11 лет назад
Clayson House Tea - [image: Clayson House Tea] A couple weeks ago, my husband and I attended a tea at the local historical society museum, the Clayson House. It was a fundrais...12 лет назад
The Kitchen - Before and After - Before I get started with this post, I have a little disclaimer... I have debated and debated about showing the inside of our house. To me, it's very perso...13 лет назад
Moving On Up.... - HI all my readers! I have not been writing on this blog since almost a year ago because I have been trying to figure out what to do with it. I finally put ...14 лет назад
A real, true peek.... - Here is a real, true peek into what Queen Victoria's life was like--just before she became Queen. It truly is. Let me know what you think! The man sat...15 лет назад
2 коммент.:
Foi um privilégio caminhar a seu lado no decorrer desse ano .
Estou passando na minha última visita de 2014 e
agradecida por um dia ter conhecido uma
pessoa tão maravilhosa como você.
Nunca terei como agradecer seu companheirismo
que fez você ser tão espacial para mim.
Que essa amizade compartilhada no percurso
de mais um ano seja a alavanca para prosseguir em mais um ano.
Desejo um ano novo de grandes conquistas sonhos que se realize paz e esperança .
Sem despedidas deixo um encontro marcado para compartilhar novos momentos...
Agradeço esse presente divino que tem o nome de amizade.
Feliz Ano Novo.
Até nosso próximo reencontro em 2015.
Beijos ternos e carinhosos.
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